Sunday, June 14, 2009

2nd Award, from Fariha

Award ini udah lama gue dapet dari Fariha. Tapi baru sempet postnya sekarang. Haha. Thanks a lot, Far!

1. Put these awards into your blog
2. Tag 10 friends
3. Links those friends
4. Tell them about these awards
5. Share this link to others and to whom these awards tagged

Homework :

1. 5 things found in my bag: (bag apa dulu nih? bag sekolah apa.....
* Cemilan
* Kacamata Item
* Note kecil
* Memory card cadangan (untuk otak gue)
* Pensil

2. 5 things found in my purse:
* And why,
* in the world,
* do I must,
* have a purse?
* I'm a guy, remember?

3. 5 favourite things in my room:
* kipas angin (kamar gue panas sumpah)
* charger HP
* lemari buku komik dan novel
* tempat tidur
* meja rias (WHATDAFAK)

4. 5 thing I always wanted to do:
* pergi ke Jepang
* kamera baru!
* jadi fotografer
* makan banana split
* belajar ke negeri manapun itu

5. 5 things I currently into:
* photography
* blogging
* Blink182
* facebook
* headache

The person who inspired you now is: Tukang Gorengan Pinggir Jalan
Your five impression of him:
* kreatif, ngegoreng pake plastik biar gurih
* ceria, kalau ditanya malah ketawa-ketawa
* serius, kalo uangnya lebih ditilep
* pekerja keras, sampe keringet kecampur ama gorengan
* sehat, ngedorong-dorong gerobak setiap hari

Gue males ngetag jadi kalo mau ambil silakan ambil ajah. Okay?


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